Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What's Another Few Days, Then?

UGH Our Realtor called and told me that the close date is going to be pushed back a little on our house (Taft) because the buyers have some weird stuff going on with their loan... so to make a long story short, we're not going to be moving quite as soon as we thought. We'll close on our houses sometime next week, and as much as this stuff annoys me, the good part is that we have more time to get things packed and sort through whatever we might want to throw away or give to Goodwill. I just can't wait for this process to be behind us, and pushing the date back is prolonging it even more. It seems to stress me out, and I hope that our next place turns out to be a home we'd like to live in for a long time - so we don't have to do this again anytime soon! I know my sister has moved more times than anyone. Anyone. So I can't complain too much. I'm just starting to really understand how much STUFF we can fit into our basement...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

patience, grasshopper. yeah, i've moved a ton of times, but i also never stayed in one place for that long to build up a lot of stuff. my space has also been extremely finite, so you've got lotsa more square footage than i ever have. it'll get done, and you'll be settled in to the new place really soon. we can't wait to take the full tour when we are in town in a few weeks!