Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today Henry was baptized at Spring Valley Community Church, officially becoming a member of our church family. We were very happy that a guest pastor, Chris Pieters was able to come and speak today, and perform the baptism, as our church is currently searching for a new lead pastor since Randy left in October. Henry was wonderful, didn't cry or fuss, and actually had a few smiles while he was up there! The pastor blessed him with the water on his head, chest, hands, and feet to symbolize his mind, heart, work, and walk. Both sets of our parents were there, and Lucy lasted through part of the ceremony but was very glad to head off to Sunday school as soon as it was over. Afterward our parents all came over to our house for lunch and coffee.

We really love our church and are glad to be bringing our children to such a friendly, welcoming place. The church will be building a new facility (near GVSU) and a lot of change is going on right now, but we find it exciting to be a part of it.


Chris Winkler said...

Congrats on this special day! I can imagine it's nice when the baby is relatively calm for this. :-)

Mindy said...

thanks chris! yeah i definitely recommend - if you're going to have your child baptised - don't wait until they are old enough to try to fight their way out of your arms! in which case, just wait a couple more years until they're old enough to comply nicely. ;) this one went very very well...